22 Jul

The stone known for its shimmering shine and the tremendous mystical light represents the frozen fire of aurora skies.

 Labradorite, the magical stone, holds the supernatural powers and provides guidance and knowledge to the seekers, shamans, and one seeking the light. It is a source that lights up the path to self-awareness, leading to intuition and physic abilities.

 Labradorite is the powerful protector of the mineral world. It is the amplifier of the aura and strengthens the natural energies removing the misfortunes and bad happenings of the world facilitating and finding visionary experiences from the past to the future. It belongs to the feldspar family and is sometimes called the rainbow moonstone and comes in beautiful shades of grey-green, dark grey, black, or greyish white & refracts the light in the flashes of gold, pale green, blue, and red, just like the peacock feathers.

Labradorite was first discovered in Labrador, Canada, in 1770 by moving missionaries who named it by the area's name. These impressive stone with the spectral delight called as labradorescence makes some of the noteworthy Labradorite jewelry

Here is an interesting fact from a legend that says - an Inuit warrior saw this stellar stone & struck it with its spear as he believed that the beautiful aurora got trapped inside it.

Let's take a glance at this mystical gem and discover its properties, making it so unique altogether.

Stone for the Heart

One of the mystical energy behind the gem is they ground the physical energies and are great healers of the respiratory system, from the arteries to the lungs. They encourage the proper circulation & breathing to the body and helps complete respiratory issues. Wearing them as the Labradorite necklace will alleviate the healing and make you more aware of your heart.

Stone Good for Gut

Labradorite is good for the lungs, but they are even great for the stomach. They elevate the stress on the stomach and helps in the proper digestion, PMS, and leads to a smooth metabolism. Teaming up Labradorite rings will provide a dazzling look and ace up to the healing.  

Stone for the Mind

Known as the stone of courage, it provides you the healing you have been waiting for. It stops the useless chatter of the mind and keeps it from wandering. Providing the focus. It gives a kick-start to the one who feels stuck and takes them on a peaceful ride along the way. You can wear Labradorite earrings to provide you with the fashion edit and connect you to your mind.

Stone for the Clarity

Labradorite peeks through your fears and alters all the bad past experiences. It keeps you grounded and connects you too much deeper self and with the outside world. It guides the way to the swirl of stars and leads to the path of illumination and insight.

A Throat Chakra Stone

A tool for communication and connector of the spiritual world, Labradorite helps to speak the truth & even gives the clarity of the thoughts. It opens up the blockages in the throat, gives control to the throat making the person more vocal. It gives them the confidence to fight for the things that matter. 

You can wear Labradorite pendants which will provide you with a style statement and will also helps you connect to the throat chakra. 

If you are looking to buy Labradorite jewelry, then check out rananjay exports. They are the wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer dealing in the wholesale gemstone jewelry and sterling silver jewelry that fits right to your taste.

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